860-745-8825 admin@kofc50.com

Brother Knights,

I hope this letter finds you well.  As 2023 comes to a close, Council 50 is doing very well.  Throughout the year we have had many successful events that support our mission of promoting our principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.

  As one of the longest tenured councils in the WORLD, we have a long history of members stepping up and volunteering for the good of our club!


Council 50 is at a crossroads—Our long time Financial Secretary (FS) Ron Scovill has taken ill and will no longer be able to perform his duties.  We are looking to find a replacement FS as soon as possible.  The council FS is a position that is very important to the council 50. 

Duties can be performed at home…the only ask is to attend our monthly meetings the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm.

FS duties include-

Send annual dues membership letters January of each year. 

Receiving dues and forwarding to our council Treasurer.

Print out annual membership cards

Accept and process New membership applications

Submit occasional reports to Knights of Columbus Supreme

This position doesn’t have to be a heavy lift!!  KofC has made it pretty easy to submit information electronically and we have brother knights that can assist if needed!

Please consider assisting Council 50

Contact GK Jeff Beiler ASAP 860-463-1650

Thank you