860-745-8825 admin@kofc50.com

The following is the  slate of officers for the 2023-2024 fiscal year for Council 50 


Grand Knight-                      Jeff Beiler

Deputy Grand Knight-       Ernie Bouthiette Jr.

Chancellor-                           Ernie Bouthiette 3

Recorder-                              Ethan Cournoyer

Treasurer-                             William Phillips

Advocate-                              Joseph Fallon

Warden-                                 Mike Piepul

Inside Guard-                       Michael Barrett

Outside Guard-                    Roger Thibodeau

Trustee 3 years-                   Joseph Tiroletto

Trustee 2 years-                   John Guzie

Trustee 1 year-                     John Tiroletto


Financial Secretary –  Marty Lobik  413-896-7163

Membership Committee
For Membership consideration please call 860-745-8825 for all inquiries or stop by Council 50 at 371 Washington Road, Enfield, CT.
Sick Committee

Bro. Steve Whalen is Chairman of Council 50’s Sick Committee – Any Brother knowing of any Member who is sick or has passed away, please contact Steve at 860849-0697.  If any member is able to assist the Sick Committee, please contact Steve or any officer.