There will come a year when we will not be successful in extending our 10-year run of exceeding the
total Turkey Challenge receipts from the prior year. And with our remarkable annual success in stepping
up to meet the needs of our community, there will be no shame in that.
I am honored, humbled and beyond grateful to report that due to all of you this year we raised $8,700
for local charities. Yesterday I delivered approximately 250 pounds of turkeys and other non-perishable
food and more importantly a $6,500 check to the Enfield Food Shelf. Today I will deliver a check for
$1,000 to the Loaves and Fishes. The balance of the proceeds will be added to our Christmas donations
to meet community needs.
I admit I am a bit biased, but this is my favorite thing that Council 50 does. Because we simply
coordinate and channel your goodness and generosity. We ask you to step up and offer nothing in
return unless you happened to stop by to enjoy a slice or two of Carl & Jeff’s delicious pizzas on
Saturday. In true Christian spirit you give and ask for nothing in return.
Once again, Kathleen Souvigney, Executive Director of the Food Shelf was shocked and overwhelmed by
our efforts and extends her heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your unending generosity. Maya
Matthews, the new director at Loaves & Fishes was very appreciative as well.
To get a sense of our accomplishment you should know that with their buying power $8,700 to places
like the Food Shelf and Loaves & Fishes equates to more than 35,000 meals to our community. One of
the best things about our efforts is the large cash donation allows these entities the flexibility of
managing the needs of the community. When I presented the check to the Food Shelf the first
comment I heard is that the amount of our donation exceeds what they need for all the hams they need
for Christmas. So, whether it’s turkeys for Thanksgiving or hams for Christmas, Council 50 once again
came through in record fashion.
There is a Proverb which states: “Charity sees the need, not the cause”. That defines our mission. We
cannot, nor choose to fix all the world’s problems. But we do our part to make a difference for those in
need in our community.
Once again, on behalf of our very worthy Grand Knight Joe Tiroletto and all the officers of Council 50 we
thank you for your incredible generosity and wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Paul Cunningham