The Knights of Columbus is dedicated to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism.
Council 50 leadership heard about a local 8 yr. old boy and his family that was in need. In October, AJ Salisbury was an active and energetic 8 yr. old child from Tolland CT. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor called Medulloblastoma. He is literally in the battle of his life. He has been undergoing treatments for this brain tumor since November. AJ and his parents (Fernando and Kristen) travel weekly Monday thru Friday to Mass General Hospital in Boston for radiation and chemotherapy treatments.
We asked members if they could assist to help this family in need. Council 50 membership stepped up once again!!! Donations came pouring in daily.
On Saturday January 15, Council 50 Deputy Grand Knight Jeff Beiler, brother John Netkovick Jr, and PGK Wayne Samson took a trip to visit with AJ and his parents. Also joining them was Bill Schmidt, a friend and neighbor to AJ.
Wayne presented AJ and his parents with a check for $2500. We hope that this monetary donation can help offset the cost of the family’s expenses. Please keep the family in your prayers.