860-745-8825 admin@kofc50.com

Good Evening Everyone!!! Please see the very important message from GK Joe T:

To the membership:

I want to thank each and every member this past year for there amazing resilience and dedication to Council 50! Your hard work has paid off. As a result of your efforts we have been named a double star Council, which is twice as good as last year. Additionally, showing the councils tremendous resolve, we had 33 new members this year which places us above all the other councils in the state of Connecticut! Yes, Council 50 is number 1 in the state. There also is a very good chance that we will finish in the top 10 for membership in the world but that hasn’t been tabulated at this point. Gentlemen, I am proud to have served as your Grand Knight this past year and can honestly say I don’t know what to expect in 2021-2022.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Joe T GK