860-745-8825 admin@kofc50.com
Please see the message below from our Grand Knight:
It has been a year since our nightmare began and in that year we have learned more terms than we could possibly imagine. Yet through it all council 50 has survived and some might argue we have a stronger resolved now than before the pandemic. Yes it was Irish night 2020 when we were enjoying what we know now was our last in person event without masks. Irish night 2021 provided us with a fond memory of the past and a glimpse of the future to come. Excitement is starting to build as more and more people are getting out and the restrictions are being eased. 

As I think about this last year I think first and foremost about the pain that it’s caused our families. I think about the members we’ve lost but I am hopeful that the 20 new members that we’ve recruited will being a renewed feeling to the club. I am confident that the excitement I sensed on Saturday at Irish knight will carry over into the late spring and summer and we will prosper as we have for the last 130 plus years. To have the long history that we enjoy comes about because of the members that step up and make things happen. It is today all of those members too numerous to mention I personally thank. I thank you for the turkey challenge, for Irish night for the fish the outstanding raffles and fundraisers that have kept this club afloat. 

As always I close by saying if there’s anyone that is aware of an individual member or family that’s in distress please feel free to contact myself or any of the officers. I look forward to the next couple of months as the club reopens and look forward to seeing each and everyone of you at the club. Again thank you the members for all you did and will do.

Joe T GK