860-745-8825 admin@kofc50.com

Hello everyone! First, see the link below for you 3rd degree meeting if you would like to participate through zoom. Also see below a message from our Grand Knight!


To the membership:

It’s hard to believe but Tuesday, September 7 marks the beginning of our fiscal year. Its been a roller coaster summer with unfortunately Covid rearing its ugly head again but like the past 18 months we will begin our fall program leading off with the clambake our largest fundraiser on September 18th. As you all know if you’ve attended this event the value received for the $40 of the ticket price is well worth it. I encourage all of you to participate in this outdoor activity. I’m sure there are a number of you that have heard me talk about it, The membership appreciation day. This event was scheduled to be held September 19 in the afternoon however given the uptick in Covid cases and the fact that this is strictly an indoor event we’re going to postpone this event until a later date out of an abundance of cautiousness. We are still planning a golf tournament in early October followed up with our turkey challenge starting in late October. Be safe and hope to see you all at the meeting either in person or via zoom. Zoom sign-on is attached.

Joe Tiroletto GK 2021-2022