Brother Knights, As we make our way into the Holiday season, I’d like to take a moment to let you all know about the things that I am most grateful for. -First off, I’m thankful for my family. You are the reason that I wake up in the morning. Make time for your family. Enjoy the special moments with them and keep the memories close to your heart! –I’m appreciative of my catholic faith! –I’m thankful for my Brother Knights. I am forever grateful for allowing me to join this wonderful organization. I’m thankful to those that served in leadership positions before me. I am forever in debt to ALL my mentors from council 50. Thank you to the volunteers that make each social event that we have better than the last —We are always looking for help during our periodic activities and events. Contact me if you would like to join our ranks. Thanks to the guys that join me doing any projects in and around the council chambers. We still have needed improvements that will be completed during the winter and spring months. If you are interested in assisting or lending your expertise, please contact me. –I’m thankful to be able to live in a country like the USA. Please see the announcement regarding our Annual Turkey Challenge Event on November 18 from PGK Paul Cunningham. Sincerely, Jeff Beiler, GK KofC50 |