860-745-8825 admin@kofc50.com

To all Council 50 members:

Our Turkey Challenge has been running for over 2 weeks already and we are well behind our goal for money and turkeys. This is especially bad news for the Food Shelf and Loaves and Fishes as both organizations are counting on us more than ever before because of our community’s tremendous need in these unprecedented times. This year on November 20th you will be given the option to drive through our parking lot exchanging turkeys, money, and non-perishable canned goods for “slices of pizza”. The other option is to come in and exchange turkeys, money and non-perishable canned goods for “slices of pizza in the club. Additionally, we will have Happy Hour bar prices from 4-6 pm. with drink specials throughout the night.

Last year you may remember we gave a record $7,500 in donations, a lofty goal. It goes without saying that we have a track record of always meeting our goal while I am hopeful, we can come through again I recognize the pressures on the Knights family.

I close by saying be safe, rely on your family (Knights family included) and somehow, we will prosper and come out stronger and more resilient than before. I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with hope for continued progress on the vaccination front so we can continue to meet in person over the holidays.

Remember if any family is in need, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the website or by email or through one of the Council officers.

God bless us all

Joe Tiroletto GK-2021-2022