Regrettably, I must inform the membership and supporters that due to some unforeseen scheduling conflicts, we must POSTPONE the member appreciation night (May 13) as well as Italian Knight (May 20).
This decision was made after great discussion but in the best interests and intentions of council 50! If you already purchased your tickets, please stop by and get your refund. As both events sell out annually, we are already looking for replacement dates! I will send out an email and post on social media once we have new dates.
Thank you for your understanding.
We are in the final stages of our outdoor renovations…. Our pavilion has been painted. We have ALL new kitchen and bathroom fixtures and plumbing. I will be sure to send out pictures of the final product.
Our rear parking area has been leveled, stumps removed, and enlarged the usable space, which will increase the aesthetics and greatly alleviate potential parking concerns. Also, a new area will have grass planted which will be of use for club outdoor events. This is an unbelievable transformation. Please stop by and check it out.
Once the outdoor pavilion project is complete, we will set our sights on re-paving the main parking lot. As you may know, this will be the most costly of all our renovations to date. But as this is our original parking lot, it is also sorely in need of being repaved!!
If we have any members or supporters that have knowledge and experience in the asphalt paving field, please contact me at 860-463-1650!!!
June 3 — 2nd annual TRAILER TRASH concert. Promises to be a sell out. $20 per ticket. reserve your tickets asap. Tickets are available at the bar.
September 9 — ANNUAL CLAMBAKE Tickets will be available at the bar at the end of July
Jeff Beiler, GK